Category Archives: Travels

Power to the Humans:

My Humans, Gary and Judy, took me to the Human Power Challenge, 2006 this week. Imagine my surprise when they opened the doors of my trailer and there were recumbent bicycles just everywhere. There were Tour Easys, Gold Rushes and Bacchettas. There were home built bicycles and streamliners. Everyone was just romping around, splashing in the rain puddles and having a glorious time. Other humans came by and snapped my picture and I held very still and made sure my paint gleamed its finest. Continue reading Power to the Humans:

Coming Home:

This is something different. We are home, but we don’t have a house to come back to. We are always home, because home is Arcturus, and Arcturus is an Alpine motor home. By a different thought, however, home is where all of your best friends are. This is where we are this week. We have been visiting with the friends of our church, the friends that we worked with and friends that have been neighbors over the years. Continue reading Coming Home:

Together With Friends:

There is one wonderful side effect of publishing this blog. The friends that we have made along the way often times want to get on our mailing list. They follow our travels and when we find ourselves in the same area together we can rendezvous. Such is the case of friends that we made in Gettysburg last fall, Fran and Marilyn Sudbeck. We kept comparing our routes and discovered that we could get together in Newport today. Continue reading Together With Friends: