Tag Archives: hiking

Coming Home:

This is something different. We are home, but we don’t have a house to come back to. We are always home, because home is Arcturus, and Arcturus is an Alpine motor home. By a different thought, however, home is where all of your best friends are. This is where we are this week. We have been visiting with the friends of our church, the friends that we worked with and friends that have been neighbors over the years. Continue reading Coming Home:

A Mater of Timing:

Well California is still being lashed by a new storm about every three to four days. We get a couple nice days then wham! Today was the day. We decided to make this a travel day and drove the fifty miles over to Monterey California. The rains caught up with us about the time we hit highway one. We rolled into the Elks parking lot campground just before noon and by the time we had paid our fees it was pouring. Continue reading A Mater of Timing: