Yes it sounds like a paradox. We sold our house and we have moved into an RV and we travel full time now. Yet it is possible to come home. Continue reading Coming Home:.
The Forest Loop Drive:
Hey Guys. Have you ever had your sweetie pick up a glossy travel flyer and say, “Hon’ look! There is this really neat loop drive through the forest along the Rogue River. Its only 30 miles long. You just get off at exit 61 and drive through the back country for a little ways and then you get right back on the Interstate at Wolf Creek. Its just a little way out of our way. You aren’t afraid to drive this little bitty ol’ motor home through the beautiful forest are you? Huh, sugar plum daddy, boop boop de boop!” Continue reading The Forest Loop Drive:
To Infinity and Beyond!
Well we did it, the Disneyland Family Vacation. Three full days of standing in line interspersed with moments of exhilarating adventure. But what can I tell you about Disneyland. It is a place you have to do for yourself along with millions of other people. Continue reading To Infinity and Beyond!
A Star is Born:
Oh, yes! The story just keeps getting better and better. We are currently attending a rally in Imperial California. The group is called Escapees so the rally is called the Escapade. This is a rather large group. Perhaps 1,200 RV’s and over 2,000 people attend. Much of it is serious stuff as we all attend classes on Cummins Diesel Maintenance or Tech Talk for Ladies Only. But there is a lot of fun stuff to do also. Kraft’s to learn, help with genealogical research and entertainment each night. Continue reading A Star is Born:
Dust and Mosquitoes:
We spent the last week on a lake near Yuma Arizona on the Colorado River called Mittry Lake. The living was easy, the rent was cheap, (free) and we made a whole passel of new friends. Continue reading Dust and Mosquitoes: