Back in a previous life Judy and I used to be trout fisher-persons. This is like when we were first married. In our youth we were taught to fish the cold water lakes of north eastern Washington State by our parents. Continue reading Learning New Tricks:
Winthrop Washington:
We have to be in one of the most beautiful and scenic areas of the country. We are camped at Pearrygin Lake State Park, about three miles outside of Winthrop Washington. Today we drove over Washington Pass, (aka. North Cascades Pass.) Continue reading Winthrop Washington:
The Blue Hole:
We have escaped from rainy Oregon. There was some concern that the alley behind our daughter’s place might be muddy from all of the rain and we might get stuck. We had no problems at all. We extracted the trailer with Neil’s jeep, however. The trailer made the jeep squat, but the front tires stayed on the ground and we only had to move it about a hundred feet. Continue reading The Blue Hole:
Life is a Journey:
Please forgive me while I indulge in some introspection. Yesterday was my birthday. I am now 63. Very soon I will have been retired for a year.
Yesterday was very unique in another respect. It was the day of my father’s death. My God allowed me to hold my fathers hand as he moved from this world to the ever after. Continue reading Life is a Journey:
People have asked us how we are coping with living in the motor home. We have several pat answers to this question. Things like “we’re enjoying every minute;” or “It’s fun to watch the sun rise from behind a different hill each morning.” Continue reading Turtleback: