Al, Audrey, Judy and Gary have been following each other along the “Lighthouse Route” of Nova Scotia along the Atlantic Coast. We started out with a glorious short-cut out of Yarmouth, NS. We are not complaining, mind you, but occasionally the signing alongside the roads is either somewhat confusing or totally missing. Continue reading Figures of Eight – and Other Shortcuts:
Tractor Pull:
Hi Cody, Patrick and Bryce:
This is a story just for you. I know you all like monster trucks. I want to tell you about monster tractors. Tractors are what farmers use to plow their fields. They have big huge wheels on the back and small tires on the front. They are not made to go fast like race cars, or mash cars like monster trucks. They are made to pull hard. Continue reading Tractor Pull:
Tides Can be Boring:
“ watching the tide roll away ” is part of the lyrics from Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay. You get the feeling the person is whiling the time away doing nothing. Sort of like watching grass grow, and that can be somewhat boring. A tidal bore in the Bay of Fundy, however, is anything but boring. Continue reading Tides Can be Boring:
The People of PEI:
For several days we have been touring around the Island Province of Prince Edward. We have toured some museums, ate lunch in different towns and stopped at every information center we came across. The people we have talked to are quite friendly and helpful. Continue reading The People of PEI:
A Prince of a Place:
We are really getting into the swing of the Maritimes now. We spent the past two days in Cap Pelé, which is in the far eastern end of New Brunswick, where it attaches to Nova Scotia and the bridge to Prince Edward Island. We gathered our wandering friends all together in one campground. Continue reading A Prince of a Place: