All posts by Gary

We are full time travelers. We live in a 34 foot motor home. We travel from place to place towing a white Sprinter Van full of my tools and two Cattrikes. I like to play bluegrass music and you may find me at Bluegrass Festivals in Arizona during the winter months and in Washington and Oregon during the summer. We will also visit our daughter, Renee and her family in the Austen Texas area.

Ride the Dragon:

Judy and I ride our homebuilt recumbent tandem bicycle just about where ever we go. On Monday we set out to ride from Gilroy to the outskirts of San Jose to have lunch with Glen and his family. We cut our time too short so with a few quick calls on the cell phone we arranged to meet everyone in Morgan Hill at the Morgan Hill Museum. The museum was closed but they had a nice garden with benches where we ate our lunch.

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Scrambled Bands

It has been a while since I sent out a blog. We have been doing Bluegrass music about every day. There are five festivals in January and February here in Southeast California and Southwest Arizona. We have just finished up the fourth festival, it is in Quartzsite. The highlight of the weekend for us was the band scramble. This is my fourth band scramble, and I know I have written about the others, but it is just so much fun that I have to tell you the story of this one too.

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