All posts by Gary

We are full time travelers. We live in a 34 foot motor home. We travel from place to place towing a white Sprinter Van full of my tools and two Cattrikes. I like to play bluegrass music and you may find me at Bluegrass Festivals in Arizona during the winter months and in Washington and Oregon during the summer. We will also visit our daughter, Renee and her family in the Austen Texas area.

Fish On

We have disconnected from the world for three days at a little National Recreation Area campground on Lake Roosevelt, the lake behind Grand Coulee Dam. The park is right where the Gifford ferry crosses to Inchelium on the Colville Indian Reservation. There is no cell phone, no internet, no wi-fi, no Wal-Mart and no electrical hook up. The park is set in a lovely Pine forest right at the water’s edge.

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Max It:

Judy and I went on an adventure today. Judy had a 10 am appointment at the Eye Clinic in the “Pearl District” in downtown Portland. We decided to leave the car parked and ride the light rail line, Max, downtown. We got started about 8:30 and walked the 0.8 miles to the Max station. The first challenge was to buy two tickets. I tried to buy “Honored Citizen” tickets that are only $0.85 each. The machine seemed to insist on my entering some kind of senior pass or Medicaid card to complete the transaction. Continue reading Max It:


Actually the full name of this blog is “The Great Lemon Meringue Pie Bake-off.” For the whole world to know, Saturday was my 66th birthday. Over the years my lovely wife, Judy, has been in the habit of creating my special favorite desert for me. A “Lemon Meringue Pie.” This year, perhaps in honor of the double six birthday, both my lovely wife, Judy, and my equally lovely daughter, Renee, created a lemon meringue pie to celebrate the day. Judy, to produce her classic recipe with the usual half dozen modifications to accommodate the locally available resources, and Renee reviewed her favorite cooking channel chef to create her masterpiece. Now is this a win-win situation or what?

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