This is the first time we have arrived in Salt Lake City from the West across the Great Salt Lake. It’s like 50 miles of flat, straight and level highway across the Bonneville Salt Flats. It is about a hundred miles from West Wendover, NV to the outskirts of civilization again. We arrived in Tooele UT, (exit 99, that is 99 miles from Wendover,) and stopped at the Flying J to fuel up. I was stationed at the light in the left turn lane when I figured out that the truck entrance was directly across from me. I peered down the road and spotted what looked like an alternate entrance to the station beside their big sign board, so I went ahead and made the left. When I reached the spot it was not an entrance.
All posts by Gary
Handyman Tales:
The old Dixieland song goes, “My Handyman ain’t handy no more.” It has humorous lyrics that bemoan the fact that the singers handyman, “when he isn’t sleeping all he does is yawn,” where he used to get out and “trim the lawn.” Of course it is full of double entendres so I won’t get into that.
The Ant Wars
This sounds like the title to a sci-fi horror flick. Our most recent invasion of alien species started about a week ago. We moved into a parking site at the Gilroy Elks lodge on Thursday, September 18th. The first day was uneventful. We visited with our son, Glen, and his family. On Friday, however, I set up the reverse osmosis gear and began to fill our water tank. When we returned from Glen’s place that evening we were greeted by something on the order of ten thousand teeny tiny sugar ants marching across the floor. The ants go marching two by two, Hurrah! Hurrah! Then three by three and four by four you get the idea. We grabbed the vacuum hose and started sucking them up, five by five, six by six still they came, seven by seven, eight by eight
Another weekend and yet another mode of transportation. This time it was by foot. Now back on October 24, 2005 I did a blog on “Walk in the Icky Woods” so I can’t do that again. This walk was with granddaughter, Georgia so that is different. Now Georgia is almost two (three more days) so she did very little walking. Fortunately we had our daughter, Renee along although it pains me to admit it, she did most of the packing and I only gave her occasional breaks.
Another weekend and another mode of transportation. This time we traveled to the fringes of Mt. Rainier National Park and rode the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railway from Mineral Washington. Renee, Neil and Georgia were along to celebrate Neil’s surprise birthday present from Renee. He got to ride in the engine.