All posts by Gary

We are full time travelers. We live in a 34 foot motor home. We travel from place to place towing a white Sprinter Van full of my tools and two Cattrikes. I like to play bluegrass music and you may find me at Bluegrass Festivals in Arizona during the winter months and in Washington and Oregon during the summer. We will also visit our daughter, Renee and her family in the Austen Texas area.

Playing Sawmill:

Traveling around the way we do you never know when an opportunity is going to step up and smack you in the solar plexus. Here I am at sister Holly’s lakeside home sitting around like it is Margaritaville. We are swimming and having a great time when my Nephew, Carl Morgan, asks if I want to come over and play with him on his portable sawmill. Now beings the only productive thing I have done all week is wash the coach and trailer, I said “sure, why not.”

Now Carl marches to a different drummer than most. He guides white water rafts on the Wenatchee and Skykomish rivers. He is building a house for his family. Once before I said sure and I spent the day running a Bobcat Digger. You can check out these stories at [Life is a Journey] and [Horse Feathers and River Rats]

Continue reading Playing Sawmill:

Tight Fit:

From time to time we get invited to hang out in someone’s driveway. Usually the invitation must be declined because our rig is simply too large to fit. Our rig is nearly the size of an 18-wheeler. Parking on the street usually doesn’t work either because most communities have ordinances against such activities. We got away with it at Glen and Barb’s home in Gilroy for a week. Next time we showed up the city police arrived shortly after we did and gave us until noon to be out of town. Barb’s parents invited us by this week. Continue reading Tight Fit: