Yes, I have a whale of a tale whumped up for you this time. Photos are at the bottom of the page.
First of all, we are camping at Wenatchee Lake State Park with my sister Holly and two branches of the Morgan clan this week. Carl and Melissa Morgan with their two children Devin and Skyler, ages 7 and 13 months. Wade and Denise Morgan and their two children Alysa and Jared ages 11 and 7.
Just to set the stage, Carl and Melissa are guides for the river rafting outfit in Leavenworth Washington. It was decided that the whole group would help Melissa celebrate her certification as a guide by being her first official trip as guide on the Wenatchee River. They offered to scoot over enough to let Judy and I join the fun, but we decided help watch Skyler and check out the Accordion Festival in Leavenworth instead. Yes they all made it through and Melissa received her official baptism as a full fledged guide at the end of the run. It was a cold bucket of water over her head.
Carl and Melissa are off guiding again today, so the rest of the clan took to the horses at the park’s Dude Ranch. Judy and I buzzed up on Path, the Green Dragon, our tandem bicycle to watch Wade and Denise and their family off on their adventure. Julie, one of the wranglers at the corral was just infatuated with our bicycle and offered to trade a ride on the bicycle for a ride on her horse. Well Path likes to show off anyway, so we invited her aboard and down around the camp we went. Julie was laughing and giggling all the way. When we got back she was true to her deal, and soon I was mounted on her pinto horse, Lakota. It has probably been 25 years since I last rode old Thunderbolt, our kid’s 4H horse, but I didn’t embarrass myself I am proud to say.
The weather has been great here. Getting up to the 80’s by day and dipping into the low 50’s at night. The only distraction is the swarm of mosquitoes that attacks us every time we step out of the coach.
Now be sure and check out the photos. Good bye and all our love from Gary and Judy.

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