We caught a severe weather warning for central Montana on the radio of Friday afternoon. That gave us the brilliant idea that now was the time to do a motel room. Our target community was Bozeman. We trotted up to a handy Comfort Inn right next to a Wal-Mart Super store. Looked like the perfect situation. “No Room at the Inn!” Onto our cell phone and called several of our favorite 800 numbers. “No Room at the Inn!” Even Butte which is eighty miles further was booked up, we found one room at the Comfort Inn in Butte for $130 a night. It was a rock concert in Bozeman, I don’t know what was on in Butte, but we dropped back to plan “B.” Plan “B” is drive along the service roads and watch for old style “Ma and Pa Motel’s.” We found a single very small room in a “Sportsman Lodge” in Three Forks, but it was about $90, so we drove on. We finally settled into the Three Forks KOA about 7 P.M. and set up camp in time to have a light supper and head over for the nightly Ice Cream Social. No, the weather stayed clear and we had a very nice night.
There are a couple new photos. One photo is a panorama of our camp setup at Sibley Lake in the Wyoming Big Horn Mountains. The second is Judy wiggling her toes in the wild flowers on top of Bald Mountain.

We stopped to see “Medicine Wheel,” a Native American archeological site. We did a three mile walk to the site, which is near where this photo was taken, and all of this at nearly 10,000 feet elevation. Our sea-level lungs were working hard in the thin air.
The last couple of days have been spent in Missoula Montana, and these two nights we have braved the rain in motel rooms. Predictions are for a couple more days of rain. We are shopping very hard for that perfect RV. If that doesn’t happen here we will head off into Idaho this afternoon.