The first week in May, 1974, Judy and I purchased a 23 foot Aquarius sailboat. Over the next five months, we familiarized ourselves with the bigger boat and spent the lot of time getting our new boat, now named the “Regal Jug,” ready for her maiden voyage. On August 9,th 1974, we arrived in Anacortes, Washington for our first cruise of the San Juan Islands.
45 years later, our son, Glen sold the Regal Jug to Cousin, Henry Hall for a token one dollar.
Judy and I spent most of the afternoon helping with the launch, finding lunch for all, and ferrying people back and forth to the marina.
It is easy to get nostalgic when you think about the many times our family traveled together in Regal Jug to the San Juan’s the Canadian Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, Barkley Sound even to Pend Oreille Lake in Idaho and Trinity Lake in California.

When Judy and I retired the Regal Jug fell into a pattern of occasional use, once every year or two. She languished in a friend’s pasture for several years. We transferred ownership to Glen’s family. That gave Regal Jug a new coat of bottom paint and a new lease on life. Recently that family caught a bad case of two-foot-itis, but that is a whole different story.
Glen and his family had Regal Jug for seven years. They sailed her among the whales on Morrow Bay, and even sailed near Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay. On that trip, they were photographed from a helicopter and were able to get a fabulous action photo of Regal Jug.

This now starts a new chapter in this boat’s life with a new family and we hope mny new adventures to keep them excited. So I will end this blog with a wish of bon voyage to Henry, Heather and the girls. May you always have an extra foot of water under your keel, a gentle beam reach to your destination and favorable currents along the way.

See this on line at
Life is an ever-changing experience. Happy sails!
Awe, sad, but so awesome she went to a new family. I had a lot of great memories on the Regal Jug! Including the Alcatraz helicopter trip where I put the sail on upside down right before the helicopter took our famous picture.