Well maybe that is just a bit of a stretch. It was the Inverter/Charger that we replaced. Just a month ago The 2001 vintage Freedom semi-sine wave 2000 watt inverter/charger burned up a component on the main circuit board. On Wednesday January 2, 2019 we replaced the destroyed unit with a new Xantrex Freedom Sine Wave Inverter Charger. It was a bit of a shoehorn job getting it in past the bed into its totally inconvenient locker in the bottom of the bank of drawers.

In a sense it is the heart of our electrical system. It can take power from the batteries in the compartment just below. Or it can take the output directly from the engine alternator and invert that power creating standard 120 volt 60 cycle A.C. power for our home. It also passes the shore power, or the Onan Generator power to the coach circuits.
The photos shows Renee guiding this 70 pound chunk of iron and copper into the opening to the locker. Judy kept the photos coming even while helping flip and turn this heavy piece if equipment. Later in the day when Neil worked his magic over the 10 gauge solid copper wire we forgot the camera. So I shall describe the scene. Neil was wedged into the narrow walkway between the bed and the wall, up to his armpits in the Inverter Locker.He managed to bend and shape the rigid wires of the 10 gauge shore power input line to the inverter. He had to do the same with the distribution wire run from the inverter to the sub panel. This sub panel is to be replaced by a dual thirty amp breaker box to handle the increased capacity of the new inverter. That too got back ordered. I am sure they packed up just before Christmas. For the past two weeks we have heard nothing at all about this order.

The only task remaining is threading the controller cable through the various wire chases down into the basement compartments and back up into the air plenum behind the refrigerator. Then I will be able to drop a weighted string down through the plenum and draw the cable into the instrument cupboard. The new control panel is the same size as the old so it should fit perfectly.
When we finish the project we will have spent a couple of Boat-Units ($$$). What’s a Boat-Unit I hear you asking. Stroll down the docks of any marina in the Puget Sound or San Juan Islands in Washington State, and ask the skipper of a 34 to 40 foot boat what a Boat Unit is. For 23 foot long boats like Regal Jug an Boat Unit is say $200-$250. When boats reach for 40 foot a Boat-Unit is $1000 to $1500. . Well the same thing applies to RV’s
We are taking some time off from the project this weekend to return to Pearl, Texas for another Bluegrass picking weekend. I am posting this blog from the campground at the Pearl Community Center. The people are really rolling in here on this Friday night.
I am taking the time in this post to Thank Renee and Neil for all the help with this project.
Of course I also need to thank my wife, Judy, not only for helping at every stage, but even for understanding my need to be able to fix most things my self. (With a little help from my friends.)