We are “On the Road Again” after two days off to visit family, the Morgan clan, and friends, long time Bluegrass friends and renewed acquaintances from a chance meeting in Yukon Territory in 2007.
So first we joined the Morgan family for Sunday supper at a nice pork chop dinner. Conversation centered around Abe and Carrie’s oldest son, Gavin, who was recently accepted into the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh Scotland. He will be traveling there next week. Younger brother, Layton, will be a Junior in high school. We must get by here more often than every 6 years. My, my how my grand nephews have grown and changed.

Monday we drove the Sprinter over to Bob and Joy Moore’s house to do a little bluegrass jamming. I took along my Guitar and Mandolin, Bob was playing Banjo and Joy played Auto-harp and sang. Playing bluegrasss music can make you hungry after a while. We broke for lunch and piled into Bob’s trick 1939 Chevrolet roadster. The paint job catches your eye but the 383 cube engine that Bob built himself in his own shop catches your attention when Bob lights it off. It really catches your attention when he gives it a bit of throttle at a light and the turbo kicks in. After a nice lunch of BBQ ribs and a garden salad we got back to the homestead and played a bunch more bluegrass gospel music. We closed with a grand tour of Bob’s shop. Lets just say Bob is well equipped to restore any car he wants.
We got back to the campground before dark, but not by much. Wow! What a day.
Wow is right. We got back to the coach and decided we must deal with the leaking hot water tank. We now have a plastic tub under it, dumping a pint every two hours. A couple hours on the phone and tomorrow, Tuesday, we will take possession of a new hot water heater in Pocatello Idaho. Standby soon for the exciting “Change Your Own Water Heater, Because All Service Shops are Backed Up for a Week; Blog.”