Well here we are making a bee-line back to the Pacific Northwest. I guess we just reached our limit of hot muggy weather and afternoon thunder showers.
Don’t get us wrong. We have enjoyed our meandering through the upper Midwest and really enjoyed the hospitality of the extended Tice family in Petersburg, IL. After leaving Illinois we made stops in Iowa City, and Council Bluff, IA. Next day we made it half way across Nebraska to North Platte. We did notice a great similarity through the three states. There were four versions of scenery; corn and beans, beans and corn, beans and beans and finally corn and corn. I suppose the Flat-Landers think similar thoughts about the western parts of Washington and Oregon…so many trees, you can never see the horizon.
The past two days have been all about Wyoming. First it was Curt Gaudy State Park near Cheyenne. Yes it is really named after the sports announcer. Now tonight we are in Lander, WY. We visited this town seven years ago.
We will be back in the Pacific NW soon and we will be catching up on visitation with all our NW friends and relatives.
Bye Gary and Judy