We are in the middle portion of Arizona, about an hour northwest of Phoenix. The weather has been improving daily here in the Sonoran Desert. High temperature today was 78 degrees after a low last night of 42 degrees. It makes it up to 65 by about 11 am. That is how long I had to wait to do some painting. Each day we get in an hour of walking before the temperature gets too warm. As soon as the sun sets, however, it starts getting cool quickly.
Last week I finished carving a caricature in wood that I call “The Old Geezer.” I have a song I like to sing called “I Just Don’t Look Good Naked, Any More.” The song is about this character who steps out of the shower and gets a look at himself in the mirror. Pot bellied and bald headed, my alter ego relates his encounters that convince him that his body is getting a bit dilapidated. “The Old Geezer,” is also bald headed, pot bellied and bow legged. I had a lot of fun carving him. I gave him a towel so he could preserve a little of his modesty.
Judy has signed up for two different classes for making beaded bracelets this week. We are staying here with long time Boise Cascade friends, Ray and Peggy. Peggy is one of the beading instructors.
Meanwhile, I am still progressing slowly on the new bicycle. I expect to finish brazing the frame this week. I will be able to start putting it together soon.
Wood carvers and beading people are all congregating at the park for these two weeks and we are making new friends every day. We all have one thought in common…winter in the northern states is just too cold and wet. We all thank the rest of you for staying put in winter to keep the lights on. Wouldn’t that be a pickle if everyone tried to live the vagabond life. Spring is in full bloom here. The birds are nesting in a friend’s clothes pin bag, cacti are blooming and we counted at least a half dozen wild flowers on our morning walk today.