Tight Fit:

From time to time we get invited to hang out in someone’s driveway. Usually the invitation must be declined because our rig is simply too large to fit. Our rig is nearly the size of an 18-wheeler. Parking on the street usually doesn’t work either because most communities have ordinances against such activities. We got away with it at Glen and Barb’s home in Gilroy for a week. Next time we showed up the city police arrived shortly after we did and gave us until noon to be out of town. Barb’s parents invited us by this week.

Barb’s folks live in the heart of the residential district of Puyallup, Washington. I am skittish about driving around narrow city streets anyway, but we agreed to drop by on our way through. We were then expecting to drive over to the campground at the Elks lodge a few miles away. We were thoroughly briefed on the best route and arrived without incident in front of their home. I managed to get all ten tires off the pavement, so we were set for a visit and then move along before evening.

After studying their curved driveway for a while with Ken I saw a glimmer of hope. With experts watching from every angle I slowly and carefully backed the trailer onto the driveway and then jackknifed it around the curve of the drive. It actually went rather smoothly. We didn’t ding up anything and there was even enough room to get their car out…well over the lawn, but at least it wasn’t blocked in.

Ken and Christine with Judy
Ken Judy and Christine in Front of Arcturus in Their Driveway

We picked an auspicious occasion to arrive. The Sheppeard family was having a family get together at Barb’s sister’s house to celebrate a birthday. There were grown-up children, grand children and great grand children everywhere. By the end of the evening we felt very welcome and a real part of the family.

Thanks to Ken and Christine for inviting us along. We had a wonderful time.

Gary and Judy

From Washington State

P.S. We are headed for my sister’s home on Newman Lake, near Spokane Washington. This is always a tight fit. She lives at the end of a dead end road overlooking the lake. I have to drop the trailer and slide into the RV slot she uses for her rig. Then we use their pickup to position the trailer so I can hook back up when we get ready to leave. It is either that or back in a crooked, hilly three quarters of a mile.


One thought on “Tight Fit:”

  1. oh… That’s nothing! I’ve parked in that spot dozens of times. Sometimes I even have a car-top carrier!

    OK… so my SUV might be a little smaller than your house on wheels with follow-along one car garage. But repetition counts for something, right?

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