Before heading south for the winter we made a quick trip to Washington. First we traveled to Sequim Washington to visit Judy’s sister, Genaveve, and her family, Karl and Mara and of course Izzy the cat. As luck would have it we arrived on Karl’s birthday, the auspicious 65th birthday. We started the day at the Oak Table Restaurant for a huge breakfast. When we finished, Mara jumped up and bussed our table. You see she works there.
We had a couple very nice, sunny days. I worked on the new bicycle for many hours over the weekend. Of course we rode our favorite bicycle path that starts at an old railroad bridge across the Dungeness River. As the family went back to work, we shamelessly drove off for more adventures in the Seattle area.
In downtown Seattle lives a very good friend, Nancy Federici. Judy has come out of retirement to create some new window treatments for her condo. This was a bit tricky since there is no place to park Arcturus at her building. To handle this problem Judy followed along behind Arcturus in our Honda Civic, “Little Blue.” (Yes we tend to give names to everything.” We holed up at the Burien Elks Lodge.
We loaded Little Blue with all the tools, ladder and the new window treatments. We drove the short ten miles to Nancy’s place. Seattle’s traffic was heavy and slow and go, but we have all day. We drove right into the parking garage and unloaded our gear onto a shopping cart provided by the attendant. We had some long sticks along, that we planned to prop up the valances while we screwed them to the ceiling. They became an obstacle at every turn. They didn’t fit in the elevators. We assembled and mounted three valences.
Nancy treated us to lunch and finally we cleaned up after ourselves and took some photos. It was a big, long day, but wait we are not finished yet. At four we loaded our car back up and drove around town awhile and eventually found the designated restaurant and had supper with long time friends, Henry and Judy Lahore.
To finish out this trip we are going to Olympia tomorrow to see Neil Tice’s Sister Julie perform with the Paul Taylor Dancers. Neil, Renee and Georgia are going to join us.
We have had some nights where the temperature has dipped to 35 degrees. We are getting anxious to head south. This will happen soon. We will see all our friends in the south in due time.
If you take this link you will get to look at Nancy in her new Bay Window. Thanks Nancy for the wonderful lunch. And good by again to all our friends and we will see you down the road somewhere ahead.
Gary and Judy