As usual this is a double entendre. We have been enjoying the wild life at the beach this week. We visited Ocean Park on the Longbeach peninsula in Washington. Long time friend and reader of this blog owns a condo on the beach. We parked Arcturus in the driveway. We had to back and fill several times to stuff all 52 feet of our rig in the space allotted to her condo. The windshield was 4 inches from the eves of the garage. Renee, Neil and Georgia came and Neil’s folks, Jerry and Janene and Neil’s brother Mark also came. The occasion was the celebration of Georgia’s third birthday. You will want to go the web siteĀ and see the photos of the birthday girl.
We had fabulous weather while at the beach. One day even broke a record in nearby Astoria, Oregon at 87 degrees. I think we had about 78 degrees. Georgia’s favorite game was bouncing balloons on the stairway to the loft and tossing them over the banister. Sometimes the simplest toys are the wildest. It didn’t hurt to have two doting grandmothers there to catch them. We sang songs and had a cute doggie birthday cake and lots of play in the sand on the beach.
Judy and I got ready to leave on Wednesday and the rain started drizzling as we backed out. It rained hard for the first 30 miles then we drove out of it. We got to St. Helens, about 100 miles from the coast, and parked the rig just in time for the rain to arrive and drench us again. We went to choir practice at our church that evening. They even tried to give me back my job running the PA system. We will be back to celebrate the church’s 113th birthday this weekend. (More wild partying.)
So this morning we are parked in the Elks parking lot in Hillsboro, Oregon and I told Judy to come and look out the window. Trotting by was a healthy, well fed coyote. He was intently stalking something. Just then I noticed a big gray feral cat under a tree about 50 feet in front of us. The coyote sprinted and caught the cat. The cat spun around and the coyote had a face full of claws. A second later the cat is up the tree and the coyote is empty handed, (pawed?) The coyote came back across the parking lot just under our parking place watching the cat over his shoulder. Sure enough the cat dropped out of the tree and started making tracks across the parking lot. The coyote turned in a second and was in hot pursuit. The cat made it under one of the other coaches just in the nick of time, but I am sure he is missing at least two of his nine lives.
We have wildlife right here in the middle of Hillsboro Oregon. Remind me sometime and I will tell you about the time Judy almost stepped on a skunk in the parking lot.
Greeting to all from the Pacific Northwest where we are enjoying Indian summer.
Gary and Judy