We are spending three days at the Newman Lake, Washington, home of my sister, Holly. This is on the outskirts of Spokane and almost in Idaho. We are visiting with cousins Norm and Roger and Nephew Carl and his wife Melissa and Devin, Skyler and new grand niece Melody. Wednesday we will go to Colville and Kettle Falls to visit with a bunch more cousins and aunts. As much fun as it is to travel around the country and visit new places, it is also wonderful to visit family and friends.
Our time at the lake is always most relaxing. We take over sister Holly’s RV parking spot complete with 30 amp service. I also got to ride on the new Ranger Bass Boat, boy is it a scooter. Of course I got dumped off in the shallow water at the boat ramp and was expected to back the pickup and trailer in to load the boat. Obviously Doug hadn’t heard about the scrapes I have had backing my little trailer around. I was a good boy, however, and didn’t even bend the tongue.
We have been doing a few last minute chores before heading north. I picked up a spare fan belt and fuel filter for “just in case;” And cousin Norm set us up with a new charge of air conditioner juice so we don’t have another sweltering 90 degree drive. Today is no problem, of course, the rains have come and we got a little wet on our morning walk today.
The photo today on the web page will be Grandma Holly and her precious new grand daughter, Melody Grace, born May 23rd. It is only in comparison that we come to realize just how much our grand daughter, Georgia Ann, has grown in just seven months.
From Gary and Judy with Love