September of 2004, almost two years and 29,000 miles ago, we first moved into Arcturus, our Alpine Motor Home. We have had many adventures in that time. In 2004 we were chased south by the snow and the rain and experienced the 100 year bloom in the Mohave Desert. In 2005 we crossed Canada and then circled through the southlands in the wake of Katrina and Rita. Along the way we have collected several dings. In the process we have learned to always put a person on the ground with the radio when backing and maneuvering in tight quarters. Even then it is tough keeping track of the four corners of the coach and four more corners on the trailer.
This week we are in Eugene Oregon. We are parked in the suburban driveway of a friend, getting the accumulated dings on Arcturus fixed up. Arcturus picked up a black eye when he tangled with a stump in Bethlehem Main last October, so he is getting a face lift to fix his battered eyebrow. He needed to have a tummy tuck to fix the rumpled service bay door he picked up in L’Anse au Meadow, Newfoundland.
I guess if this is the price we pay for the active life. You remember that our motto is “better to wear out than to rust out.”
We will close with a progress report on becoming grandparents again. Renee and Neil are down to four weeks left and counting. We have all been working hard to finish up the project house in Beaverton and get it on the market. Last week was landscaping, dry wall, paint and electrical upgrades, this week is carpets, vinyl, countertops and appliances.
Check below for a photo of Arcturus sitting in the rose garden getting a face lift.
We welcome aboard new readers with this blog, Mike and Charlotte Kocher, long time friends from Scappoose. Meanwhile we send our love to all and good bye from Eugene.
Gary and Judy