O.K. you have probably been asking yourself over the past few years, “What is Dante’s view of things?” To answer that question your advance exploration party, Judy, Gary and Sue Owen traveled from the depths of Death Valley, some 260 feet below sea level to Dante’s View, an overlook for the Death Valley area at an elevation of 5,475 feet. This is a precarious perch on the edge of the world as we know it. While we were waiting for the sunset we stood at the edge of the precipice and had hourdourves. We then heard a motorcycle roaring up the canyon below us. “Oh, no, It’s the Hells Angels coming up to Dante’s View to conduct an exhorcism! Wrong a nice couple about our age on a big Yamaha dressed to the nines in leather. We all watched the sunset behind Telescope Peak and the world became very cold. We hopped in Sue’s rental car and turned up the heat. The motorcycle couple started digging extra sweatshirts out of their saddle bags.
Besides exploring the depths and heights of Death Valley, we also explored Mosaic Canyon, Scotties Castle and Artists Drive. What was missing this year was the wild flowers. Sue was able to photograph a few Desert Gold wildflowers, and a ranger pointed out a singular Brown Eyed Evening Primrose about to bloom. What a difference a little water makes. Last year was a 100 year bloom and the desert was just alive.
The hike in Mosaic Canyon was just as spectacular this year, however. This canyon is near Stovepipe Wells and it is a combination of broken rock cemented together in something called conglomerate and polished marble. There are these rather neat slides in the canyon made of polished marble and they look like they belong on a playground. Some are narrow for little baby bottoms and some are quite large for more mature derrieres.
We have to ship Sue back off to rainy Portland in the morning. We have already noticed the moss on her back starting to dry up and flake off.
We all send greetings from Pahrump Nevada where every day is warm and sunny and the nights are nippy.
Bye, Gary, Judy and Sue.