My grandson, Bryce, age 5, would love it here. We are in Dinosaur Provincial Park on the Red Deer River in Alberta Canada. There are lots of really old fossils here, and now I don’t have to feel so old. We tromped around the hills of these “bad lands” but we didn’t discover any new dinosaur bones. For the third evening in a row we are getting a thunder shower just around dusk. The weather was in the 70’s and 80’s most of the day, and we got camp set up before it started so we are just enjoying the sights and sounds of nature.
Before I go further let me introduce you to our latest member of “family and friends.” We met this family at Kinbrook Island Provincial Park. Howard and Ruth and their two boys live in Calgary Alberta. They all ride bicycles and enjoy the great outdoors. Howard is a pilot. I never did ask which airline, but he flies Dash 8’s, and sometimes files into Portland. We know they are great people. Anyone that praises my funny-looking bicycle has got to be great people.
We just had lightning strike one second from flash to bang just off the front of the coach. There goes a second close one; wow, fireworks! We are “dry camping,” so we are not worried about some big power surge. Glad we did our major hiking today. These bad-lands are made from mud stone and it will be slick as ice after getting soaked again. They have been getting record rain this year. Isn’t this getting to be a bit monotonous? What ever happened to years with record sunshine? Oh. Oh, now it is turning to hail the size of peas and the campsites are turning to slush. It is almost deafening inside our little box. Now the hail has stopped but it is still a down-pour. The road in front of our camp-site is running two inches deep in muddy water. We are eyeing the skylights and sliders for leaks, but so far we are snug and warm and dry. There are several campers in tents though, and Judy and I remember a couple of those nights in the tent with the lightning dancing and the thunder clapping all around.
Well if you have received this you will know we made it back to civilization and found another cyber-café. Judy and I send our love to all.
Remember to check out our web site from time to time. I have all the back issues of these blogs there and usually there is a photo or two of the region we are traversing. The address is