Today, February 20, 2005, Judy and I celebrate forty years together. Last night we celebrated by going to the Western Pyrotechnic Convention Fireworks Show. In mid February every year this group has a convention here in Lake Havasu City. These are the companies that produce fireworks and people who buy fireworks for their own city’s celebration. They get together here in the warm weather of the Sonora Desert to demonstrate their best fireworks. They also put on a public display at the end of the convention, Saturday night. Judy, Sonja and I all went out to watch the fireworks show. Now remember my story before about the rain chasing us everywhere we go. Well it did it again. We were out at the rodeo grounds just getting into the rhythm of the pyrotechnics when Mother Nature decided she couldn’t be upstaged. Lightning started flashing, thunder started crashing and we had ourselves a gully-washer right there in the grandstands. I tell you, we are going to be able to capitalize on this when word gets around. We will just call ahead and make reservations and then start feeling around to see how much the sponsors of these events are willing to pay to have us go somewhere else on their weekend.
The rain did stop and the moon and stars came out just before the eight o-clock start time for the main show. The opening salvo for the “Star Spangled Banner” was quite spectacular all by itself. It just kept getting better and better. They even shot off some 16 inch shells. These guys are putting their best stuff on the line to impress the buyers.
I got word back that some of our friends back in Scappoose and St Helens have been without e-mail service for a couple weeks. Some have changed to another carrier, and others think they may have missed some of our blogs. Never fear, you can catch up if you miss something. Or maybe you get one of those, “I can’t believe he really said that” moments, and need to look up a previous volume. All of these blogs are in our website. Just go to You can look back through the episodes or search all blogs using any of the tags the categories, the monthly archives or the search engine. I also moved the 1998 write-up from our bicycle tour of Southern France onto this web-site. I usually include a photo on the web version also.
Well it is time to go, but I sure hope you folks back home are enjoying your nice sunny February while we have the rain chasing us around Arizona. Just to warn you, we plan to start heading back your way in early April, so make your plans accordingly.
Love to all, Gary and Judy.